The kind information is only available if the repository on the server
was created by SVN 1.6.  Earlier repositories have to be dumped/loaded
to add this additional information to the repository.

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 6:54 AM, Prabhu Gnana Sundar
<> wrote:
> Hi Yves,
> I tried to replicate the same issue on my box. It works fine for me and I
> get the "kind" value correctly.
> But I tried it on a "Ubuntu 10.10" box, svn version 1.6.9 (r901367).
> Regards
> Prabhu
> On Wednesday 09 March 2011 10:11 PM, Yves Bergeron wrote:
> Hi,
> The output of
> svn log --xml --verbose file:///home20/sources/repos/oud --revision 3974
> is similar to
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <log>
> <logentry
>    revision="3974">
> <author>shqrde</author>
> <date>2011-03-07T21:42:57.958314Z</date>
> <paths>
> <path
>    kind=""
>    action="A">/trunk/query</path>
> <path
>    kind=""
>    action="A">/trunk/query/ValidationObjetEnvir.tst</path>
> </paths>
> <msg>Add of query directory.  Populate the object table.</msg>
> </logentry>
> </log>
> Why the kind information is always missing ?
> I'm using svn, version 1.6.9 (r901367)  compiled Mar 22 2010, 00:59:50 on
> CentOS 5.3
> Thank you.
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Mark Phippard

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