Thanks everyone for the responses!

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 7:38 AM, Stefan Sperling <> wrote:
> Another approach would be going beneath the client API (Subversion is
> a stack of layers, with a public API at each layer -- so you're not
> confined to the client API).
> Take a look at the repository access API in svn_ra.h.
> Using that API, it should be possible to write a client that does
> everything in memory. This approach gives you more flexibility.

That sounds like where I need to go - this is a C application so I
need to be talking to the library API, and in-memory would perform
much better.

> But you will need to reimplement parts of what the client library
> implements (a commit editor, for example). To get off the ground quicker
> you could re-use and adjust existing client code (if you're happy with
> the Apache licence).

Urm.  I see the license changed here:

So in order to work with svn_ra.h and use LGPLv2 for my code, I'd need
 a clean separation between the svn logic and my code (and any
re-adjusted client code would also have to remain distinct and Apache


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