On Apr 13, 2011, at 06:30, Peter@locotel wrote:

> The issue is that svn is not adapted to support web applications that live 
> under
> web-servers.

Others have already replied, but I wanted to provide yet another affirmation 
that Subversion works great for web development -- I've been using it for years 
-- provided you use it properly, and not the way you've described. There are 
many, many threads in this mailing list's archives over the years that explain 
ways of using Subversion for web development; you can do a search here:


There is a FAQ entry that is relevant:


There is a tool SVN::Notify::Mirror that is helpful for deploying web sites:


Also please read the Subversion book:


and allow yourself to be convinced that most of the methods described there are 
indeed applicable even to web development. Good luck.

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