> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andy Levy [mailto:andy.l...@gmail.com] 
> On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 12:18, Cooke, Mark wrote:
> > Dear list,
> >
> > I was wondering how other (probably corporate?) svn users
> > control and log changes to your path-based auth file (and
> > other svn web settings)?
> >
> > I was thinking that I could use svn and the auto-website-update FAQ
> > (http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#website-auto-update) 
> > to control access by allowing named users access to the relevant
> > repo...  However this seems a little clunky and 'overkill' for
> > what we have.
> This is exactly what I do. My configs are versioned and changes can
> easily be audited.

Thanks for the confirmation, I think this is what we will do...

> From: Feldhacker, Chris [mailto:feldhacker.ch...@principal.com] 
> In a nutshell:  http://www.svn-access-manager.org/
> Basically, store all your settings in a database and generate 
> the config files; just use a simple web front-end to edit the 
> database and control/log changes that way.  The svn access 
> manager provides a good starting point, modify and tweak as needed.

Thanks Chris, this looks good but unfortunately I have neither PHP nor MySQL on 
the server box (already using PostgreSQL and Python for Trac) so I don't think 
it's for me.  Nice idea if I had more time...

> From: David Brodbeck [mailto:bro...@uw.edu] 
> rcs(1) is the old standby for version-controlling single 
> files.  It doesn't solve your access control requirement, 
> though, just your logging requirement.  I use it sometimes in 
> situations where I don't want to version control a whole 
> directory, just a few files -- config files under /etc, for example.

Thanks David but I think I'll use this opportunity to get a few more files 
under proper version control too, so I think svn suits me better.

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