> I'm working on some software (spamassassin) that uses the
> subversion
> keyword "$LastChangedDate$".  In the same file that it's used, I
> want that
> string to appear unmodified - not expanded by subversion, exactly
> as
> "$LastChangedDate$" instead of something like "$LastChangedDate:
> 2010-03-30
> 08:02:18 -0400 (Tue, 30 Mar 2010) $"
> Because I want to check for a case where svn keywords aren't
> getting
> expanded.
> Something like (perl):
>   if ('$LastChangedDate$' eq '$LastChangedDate$')
> But with one of them getting expanded, and the other not.
> I think it would work to do something like:
>   if ('$LastChangedDate$' eq '$LastChan'.'gedDate$')
> But I'd prefer to escape the keyword instead.
> Maybe something like \$LastChangedDate$ ?

I'm confused about what you are asking. Are you saying you don't want 
subversion to expand the keywords? If so, then remove them from the 
svn:keywords property. Any keywords not in the property are not expanded.


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