On May 30, 2011, at 11:26, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

> There's a potential risk with the approach: CygWin uses UNIX
> compatible end-of-line characters. TortoiseSVN, and other Windows
> based clients, use Windows end-of-line. The result can be *CHAOS* if
> you typically set source files, such as .html, .php, or .c, .sh, or
> .pl files, to use "svn:eol-stile", or expect files to be automatically
> set in Windows or UNIX style as you switch from programming from a
> source repository in Windows, and one in CygWin.

*Not* setting svn:eol-style to some value will lead to chaos, as you use 
different editors with different ideas of what a line ending is, and you start 
getting files with inconsistent line endings. *Setting* svn:eol-style to some 
value should prevent said chaos, by preventing you from committing files with 
inconsistent line endings. Now you just need to choose what value you want to 
use for svn:eol-style. Choices LF and CRLF will behave the same on every 
platform, so this may be desired if your working copies are shared between 
platforms (for example between Windows and Mac, or between Windows and Cygwin). 
Setting svn:eol-style to native means that if you check out under Windows, you 
get CRLF line endings whereas if you check out under Mac or Cygwin you get LF 
line endings; *this* might be the chaos you're contemplating above. But it will 
only be chaos within your working copy, on your machine, and only if your 
editors don't know how to deal with files of that line ending style; by virtue 
of having svn:eol-style set (to any value), you will be prevented from 
committing that chaos to the repository until you have resolved it.

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