Thanks Stefan!!.

Yes, I do svn revert -R or do a new checkout!!!

The problem is whenI try do a mergen on file level, but if I do it on folder
lever(parent folder of that file), It works!!!!


On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Stefan Sperling <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 02:27:52PM -0500, Henry Piñeros wrote:
> > Hi all.
> >
> >
> > I do  a merge between two folders (source) (Ep. svn merge
> > http:xxx/src http:xxx/src) and it works very well (It shows a
> > with a conflcit -C)
> >
> > Whe and I try do it but directly in this file, the merges doesn't work
> (Ep.
> > svn merge http:xxx/src/ http:xxx/src/ ).. It doesn't
> > show the conflict, it show -U!!
> Hmmm, your problem description is lacking a lot of detail :(
> I will try to help you anyway:
> Did you run "svn revert -R ." on your working copy before repeating
> the merge? If you did not, then merge tracking might prevent changes
> from being merged into the file because the file already has them.
> All you will end up with in this case is probably a mergeinfo change.
> If your working copy has no local changes (svn diff output is empty)
> and you don't get any changes merged into your working copy,
> try this command:
>  svn diff http:xxx/src/ http:xxx/src/
> and you will probably see that your merge has an *empty* diff.
> So there is nothing to merge, and no conflict.
> The only thing it changes is probably mergeinfo.
> You probably want something like this instead:
>  cd src/
>  svn merge -c 42 http:xxx/src/
> or this:
>  cd src/
>  svn merge http:xxx/src/ http:xxx/src/
> or this (to merge all outstanding changes):
>  cd src/
>  svn merge http:xxx/src/
> See also:
> And this:

Estudiante de Ingenieria de Sistemas e Informatica
             Univesidad Nacional de Colombia
                         Sede Medellin

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