On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:05, Joshua Davies <joshua.dav...@2xoffice.com> wrote:
> I'm new to Subversion repository administration - after reading the O'Reilly
> book "Version Control with Subversion", and following the instructions there
> and on the web site, I've got a repository installed under "/var/svn/repos":
> [jdavies@hostname repos]$ pwd
> /var/svn/repos
> [jdavies@hostname repos]$ ls
> README.txt  conf  dav  db  format  hooks  locks
> I want to expose this over HTTP, so I've added the following to my Apache
> config:
> <Location /repos>
>   DAV svn
>   SVNPath /var/svn/repos
>   AuthType Basic
>   AuthName "Subversion Repository"
>   AuthUserFile /path/to/auth-file
>   Require valid-user
>   Order deny,allow
>   Deny from all
>   Allow from ...
>   Allow from ...
>   Allow from ...
> </Location>
> (slightly edited, of course).
> Everything seems to be working, but when I load my repository from a web
> server - e.g.
> https://hostname/repos
> I see my projects listed, along with the Subversion repository internals:
> repos - Revision 64: /
> Project1
> README.txt
> conf/
> db/
> format
> hooks/
> Project2
> locks/
> Project3
> What have I gotten wrong here?  I'm sure there's a way to have only the
> projects, and not the repository internals, exposed.

This looks like someone has committed a repository database (the
results of svnadmin create) to your repository. Check the log of your
repository, it should indicate when & what happens.

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