On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 02:07, Andy Canfield <andy.canfi...@pimco.mobi> wrote:
> The file /var/svn/sample/README.txt says
>     This is a Subversion repository; use the 'svnadmin' tool to examine
>     it.  Do not add, delete, or modify files here unless you know how
>     to avoid corrupting the repository.
> but as far as I know there are no svnadmin tools to control access to the
> repository; the only way to control access to the repository is to manually
> edit the files in the 'conf' subdirectory, which the README.txt file tells
> you not to do.

Your svnserve config file can be located anywhere svnserve has read
permission on. Use the --config-file option to specify the full path.
$REPOS/conf is merely the default location, and it's implied that a
configuration should be editable as needed.

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