> It would be best to ask on the TortoiseSVN list so that they could
tell you definitively
> I know that the TSVN devs have made some custom patches to OpenSSL to
resolve this issue of the constant prompting

Thanks Mark. Looks like you are right in that tsvn will support this in
an upcoming release:

> Of course when you are using the command line, there is no long lived
session as there is for a web browser.  So each command is a completely
new session to your server and the prompts will all be repeated

Well yes, but that's also true for basic auth, which is why svn caches
the credential in encrypted form. Ideally it would also cache the
certificate selection and PIN (maybe using platform-specific crypto
storage). Obviously I appreciate that the cert dialog and pin prompt are
not coming from the svn code and svn has no way of intercepting that. In
fact I don't even know what the technical challenges are, but it's
pretty much unusable from the command line client as it is. (At least,
our users will consider it to be unusable).

Cheers, jamie

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