On 7/22/2011 12:12 PM, Phil Montgomery wrote:
I have a question regarding the need of a subversion mirror server.

Our work is done on UNIX systems.  We currently have a master repository
in England.  We mirror it as a read only repository to the states.  The
system that acts as the Subversion server in the states is rather old
and its faster to do checkouts from the remote repository then the local
one.  I’m curious why we even need a local subversion server.  We cannot
add anything to the local repository.  Developers check out the code,
update the files in their working directory, then commit them to the
remote server.

Now trying to commit, resolve conflicts, and merges are another matter.
Latency has a far greater impact on those tasks.  We often thought about
making a post-hook on the commit to initiate syncs from the master to
the remote site in order to do the conflict resolution locally, allowing
our developers to use a GUI interface or type in their xterm and not
wait for the characters to appear.  We have yet to do that test to see
if it would help.

We have some cases of (very) remote teams working out of the main repository and some where the live project repository is near the remote group and svnsync is used to pull a copy back to headquarters for a backup and some of the builds. The tradeoffs are fairly obvious but the remote repository was set up when network connectivity was not very good - I'm not sure we'd do it again under better conditions.

I'm kind of curious about how git-svn would work out for this kind of use.

  Les Mikesell

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