The post-commit script isn't getting executed whenever code is merged from 
trunk to tags. Whenever the code needs to be deployed the code is copied from 
trunk to tags. The script runs fine when executed on the server but doesn't get 
invoked whenever a commit is done.
svn co http://mydomain.com/svn/Project/Trunk/Code 
I'm using capistrano for deploying code on my server. The post commit hook is 
given below
DIR=`/usr/bin/svnlook changed  $REPOS | /usr/bin/head -n1 | /bin/cut -d'/' -f2`
Method=`/usr/bin/svnlook changed  $REPOS | /usr/bin/head -n1 | /bin/awk '{print 
/bin/echo $REPOS $DIR 
$Method#################---Addition---#####################if [ "$Method" == 
"A" ] && [ "$DIR" == "QA" ]; then
TID=`/usr/bin/svnlook changed  $REPOS | /usr/bin/head -n1 | /bin/cut -d"/" -f3`
echo "Do you wish to deploy the code on QA server"read inputif [[ $input == '' 
]]; thenecho "Usage: $0 <Y/N>"elif [ $input == Y ]; then/usr/bin/ssh 
user@ "cd /newdeploy/Project/config ; /usr/bin/cap deploy:php 
tagid=$TID"elif [ $input == N ]; 
[ "$Method" == "M" ] && [ "$DIR" == "QA" ]; then
TID=`/usr/bin/svnlook changed  $REPOS | /usr/bin/head -n1 | /bin/cut -d"/" -f3`
echo "Do you wish to deploy the code on QA server"read inputif [[ $input == '' 
]]; thenecho "Usage: $0 <Y/N>"elif [ $input == Y ]; 
then/usr/bin/ssh user@ "cd /newdeploy/Project/config ; /usr/bin/cap 
deploy:php tagid=$TID"elif [ $input == N ]; 
thenexitfi################---Deletion##############################elif [ 
"$Method" == "D" ]; then


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