Around about 01/08/11 05:02, Andy Canfield typed ...
I am user andy. I can point my browser to "http://SERVER/svn/subdoc"; or even
"http://SERVER/svn/fred3"; with no problem, but not "http://SERVER/svn"; --
403 Forbidden.  I think I've done everything that the documentation says I
should do, but it doesn't work.

To my knowledge, telling mod_svn where your repos are gives it control over that part of the access URL (http://SERVER/svn/...), but mod_svn only “knows” about repos, and so doesn't do anything with the container/parent directory (hence the generic 403).

If that's not the intended functionality, then I never seen it do anything else on multiple installs on multiple platforms.

You mention that WebSVN lets you see the repos., but if you look at the code (as I did when wondering about this) you'll find that this is treated as a special case: it actually goes off to the repo. directory (as it's on the server), does a directory listing, and then compares each repo. it finds with the current user's read permissions, only showing those to which the user has access.

Which is, I guess, what you're hoping SVN would do. I couldn't say whether there's a reason why it doesn't, whether it's design or accident.

[neil@fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[neil@fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[neil@fnx ~]# exit

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