On Mon, Aug 01, 2011 at 04:47:50PM +0200, Andreas Krey wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 19:17:36 +0000, Brecht Ameije wrote:
> ...
> > But when I try it, I doesn't work as flawless as I thought it would:
> > It dumps a list with all added/deleted files and gives each of them a
> > number.
> > Than you have to manually connect the correct numbers to say which ones
> > are actually renamed files. A very tedious job, as there are +100 different
> > files and the lists aren't even sorted alphabetically :(
> git-svn may be of help here. (git does not track renames but instead
> infers them from content afterwards.) It looks like when you do
> git svn clone $your_svn_url workdir
> cd workdir
> (remove everyting except .git dir)
> (unpack new tar file)
> git add --all .
> git svn dcommit
> it will put the proper rename infos into svn.
> Your mileage may vary, have backups, and git-svn isn't or weren't quite
> easy to install (the libsvn perl stubs (make swig-pl-lib), that is).

This will work fine for files which were renamed.

But Git doesn't understand directory renames.
For renamed directories git-svn will copy each file beneath the renamed
directory separately, so the file gets its own copyfrom info.
The resulting svn revision doesn't look very neat.

Though maybe this caveat is acceptable.

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