On 05/08/11 14:18, Mark Phippard wrote:
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 7:09 AM, Giulio Troccoli <giulio.trocc...@mediatelgroup.co.uk <mailto:giulio.trocc...@mediatelgroup.co.uk>> wrote:

    I'm working on a plan to upgrade our server from 1.4.6 to 1.6.17.

    We have 75 repositories, with an average size of 30MB. They're not
    big, I agree, but I wonder if anyone has any tip on how to
    estimate how long the "svnadmin upgrade" command will take. I
    mean, will it be a matter or minutes or hours?

svnadmin upgrade runs in literally a few milliseconds. All it does is change the format number of the repository. If you want to fully move to all of the new repository features in 1.6 you have to do dump/load which will take longer.

Wouldn't svnadmin upgrade give me the exact same thing as a dump/load cycle? If not, what would be different?

    Also, I'm confused whether I need to run "svnadmin pack" as well,
    or if the upgrade will do it for me. If I need to run, does anyone
    has an idea of how long it could take?

svnadmin pack is never an automatic feature. Unless you are really short on inodes in the volume I would not even recommend running it.

Giulio Trocccoli

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