On Tue, 2011-08-02 at 17:14 +0200, Michael Diers wrote:
> On 2011-07-27 17:18, Phil Pinkerton wrote:
> > Anyone have experience installing and using Svn Searcher ?
> > 
> > http://svn-search.sourceforge.net/
> > 
> > I have a client that would like to do Repository Searches.
We use Opengrok for repository searching and browsing, and find it very

Tony Butt
CEA Technologies
> Other tools that offer repository indexing and searching:
>  * Atlassian FishEye
>    http://www.atlassian.com/software/fisheye/
>  * Subversion Repository Search Engine (SupoSE)
>    http://www.supose.org/
>  * SvnQuery
>    http://svnquery.tigris.org/
> -- 
> Michael Diers, elego Software Solutions GmbH, http://www.elego.de

Tony Butt <t...@cea.com.au>
CEA Technologies

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