On 8/10/2011 8:12 AM, Markus Rännare wrote:

The last weeks we have been seeing troubles with our svn server (svn:// server). The repository is quite large (158gb of data), and many files are quite big.

The problem if a person commits a large file (I've maily tested files in the size 200-500mb) to the server as someone else makes a update, then the whole server computer grinds to a halt and becomes unresponsive. So unresponsive that pressing the numlock button on the server keyboard doesn't light the keyboard light, and if the screen is running, the same screen is just shown with no signs of showing any responsiveness. This has resulted in me running to the server-room rebooting the server all day long today.

Does anyone have any idea how to debug this issue? I tried getting a log, (giving log-file to svnserve), that didn't give me much.

Any help would be GREATLY appriciated.

Kind regards/
Markus Rännare

How much memory does the server have, and is it being entirely consumed when the server misbehaves in this way? Is the disk drive screaming while this occurs? These are signs that you don't have enough memory and the operating system is page faulting.

Can you run the "top" command on a terminal window connected to the server, or logged into the console screen? It will tell you how much memory is free and how much swap space is being used. There will probably be a swap process at the top of the process list if you are page faulting to any degree. The svn:// server process may also appear here; you can look at its process time and memory consumption.

Even if you're not running out of memory, you might be able to get more information by watching processes with the "top" command.

I am of course assuming a Linux/Unix machine as the server; under Windows you can get the same thing by running the Task Manager. In both cases you want the system monitor running before a problem occurs. If you can reproduce it reliably, so much the better - you don't have to worry about waking up the screen from screensaver state. Just launch the monitor process, trigger the problem, and then watch on your console screen.

    David Chapman         dcchap...@acm.org
    Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA

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