2011/9/2 douglas barrett <dbarret...@netscape.net>:
> apache@X hooks]$ pwd
> Y/hooks
> [apache@X hooks]$ ls -l pre-revprop-change
> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 apache apache 2890 Sep  2 08:39
> pre-revprop-change               << so I seem to have a valid hook
> [apache@irvine hooks]$ tail -14 pre-revprop-change
> REPOS="$1"

"tail" does not show the whole file. What happens if you try to run
this script? ( ./pre-revprop-change )

Do you have shebang line ( #!/bin/sh ) at the top of the file
and does the shell mentioned there (/bin/sh or whatever) exist on your
server and is usable by that user?

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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