Though I am a member of the group "shortfall", and there are group access
rights (rwS) for the folder db/rev/1, I cannot access it. I also have
disabled the SELinux totally to isolate the problem. May anyone tell me why
I cannot access the folder? Followings are the diagnostic info:

[chensy@chen working]$ ls -l /home/svn/shortfall/db/revs/
total 8
-rw-rwS--- 1 chensy shortfall  115 Sep 13 13:04 0
-rw-rwS--- 1 root   shortfall 2238 Sep 13 13:04 1

[chensy@chen working]$ more /home/svn/shortfall/db/revs/1
/home/svn/shortfall/db/revs/1: Permission denied

[chensy@chen working]$ whoami

[chensy@chen working]$ getent group shortfall

[chensy@chen working]$ su -
[root@chen ~]# sestatus
SELinux status:                 disabled

All the best,
Michael Chen

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