On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 10:31:05AM +0200, Stefan Sperling wrote:
> So what you're asking amounts to either a performance hit for 'svn log'
> or to a new feature in the filesystem (record the size of the full
> text of a file along with the changed-path data which 'svn log' reads).

Ooops, I was wrong here, sorry. The expanded size of the full text is
already recorded in the filesystem. As Johan pointed out, there is 'svnlook
filesize' which prints this number (which is stored in the FS, so there
is no need to compute it). There wouldn't be a performance hit for 'svn log'.

The below is still valid as-is:

> I think the feature you are requesting is reasonable.
> If you like, you can file an 'enhancement request' issue in our issue
> tracker about this. Maybe somebody will have time to work on it.
> (In case you know somebody who would like to work on this I'd like
> to point out that we're always happy to help newcomers get started :)

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