On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Cory Riddell <c...@codeware.com> wrote:
> I'm thinking about committing all the third party libraries that our
> application depends on to make it easier to checkout a buildable set of
> files from the past.
> Some of the libraries are around a gigabyte each. Right now our
> repository has around a decade of history and is 5 GB. If we start
> stuffing third party libraries into it, the repository could grow to 50
> GB in a few years. Is a 50 GB repository going to be significantly
> slower than our current 5 GB one?

I'd be more concerned about future maintenance issues than operational
speed.  A 50 GB repo is going to be substantially harder to deal with
if you ever need to dump/filter/load to pull something out.  Why not
use separate repositories and reference the components with externals?

  Les Mikesell

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