On Friday 07 October 2011 08:26 PM, Diego de Oliveira Fucitalo wrote:


I try use SSL in SVN, I set up successfully the SSL in apache, but when I update or commit the code I get the error:

"Error validating server certificate for https://server.googlecode.com:443:
- Unknown certificate issuer
Fingerprint: b1:3a:d5:38:56:27:52:9f:ba:6c:70:1e:a9:ab:4a:1a:8b:da:ff:ec
Distinguished name: Security Dept, TrustSign Certificadora Digital, BR"

(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently?

It is possible tonot show this message?

Thank you.

You might created the certificates yourself.

Press 'p' to accept the certificates permanently.
Next time, it wont be displayed.


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