On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 10:56 AM, Diego de Oliveira Fucitalo
<di...@gsw.com.br> wrote:
> Hi,
> I try use SSL in SVN, I set up successfully the SSL in apache, but when I
> update or commit the code I get the error:
> "Error validating server certificate for https://server.googlecode.com:443:
> - Unknown certificate issuer
> Fingerprint: b1:3a:d5:38:56:27:52:9f:ba:6c:70:1e:a9:ab:4a:1a:8b:da:ff:ec
> Distinguished name: Security Dept, TrustSign Certificadora Digital, BR"

The complex answer involves teaching each client enviornment to accept
that unsigned certificate.

The cheaper in painful individual configuration time, simpler answer
is to buy a signed certificatate or a site certificatae.
www.godaddy.com sells them pretty cheaply, and the time wasted on
"just click accept" operations evaporates.

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