On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 01:54:20PM +0400, Andrey wrote:
> ========================================================================
> Updating '.':                                                                 
>                                              13:5
> Restored 'Sample\AnyDir\RestrictedDir'
> svn: E155000: Failed to mark 
> 'D:\BUILD_ROOT\PROJECT\trunk\Sample\AnyDir\RestrictedDir'
> absent: item of the same name is already scheduled for addition
> ========================================================================
> So, SVN update failed!

This looks like a bug. Thanks for reporting it.
> No we cannot use our BUILD SERVER, also coders are unable to make SVN
> UPDATE locally with the same problem!
> We have a complicated access rules for different users. Now it does
> not work AT ALL! Because if some directory is available for user to
> see that it is exist (it is made to give a possibility to make a
> commits in a root directory, and do not split commits to a few dirs),
> he will unable to make svn update in the root -- svn will fail on this
> directory, that must be easly skipped, as SVN v1.6.5 server/clients
> done before!
> This is a really serious problem for us, we can't work now.

And you have no way of falling back to 1.6 until the problem gets analyzed
and fixed? That's an irresponsible way of upgrading a critical piece of
your software infrastructure.

It's bad that this problem didn't get found during pre-release testing.
But that's a fact of life. Some problems will always slip through into
a new release, and you should be prepared in case you run into them.

The best you can hope for is to get a fix in 1.7.1, which is still
at least a week or 2 away from being released. In the meantime, if
you cannot work with 1.7.0, please use 1.6.17.

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