On Oct 21, 2011, at 03:17, Johan Corveleyn wrote:

> But I'm not completely sure that this means it won't work on OSX +
> case-insensitive fs. Maybe, in the absence of truepath-conversion, it
> already "just works", without jumping through hoops ... I'm not a Mac
> user myself, so I can't test this. Can anyone check this?

It doesn't work:

$ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.4.11
BuildVersion:   8S165
$ svn --version | head -n 2
svn, version 1.7.0 (r1176462)
   compiled Oct 20 2011, 04:25:50
$ cd /tmp
$ svnadmin create repo
$ svn co file:///tmp/repo wc
$ cd wc
$ touch foo
$ svn add foo
A         foo
$ svn ci -m "add"
Adding         foo
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 1.
$ svn mv foo FOO
svn: E155007: Path '/private/tmp/wc/FOO' is not a directory

> I thought OSX + case-insensitive was not a very common setup (i.e.
> that it's mostly set up with a case-sensitive filesystem). But maybe
> I'm wrong, I really don't know.

Nope, all Macs ever made, from the Macintosh 128K 27 years ago right through 
current Macs with the latest OS X, have used case-insensitive filesystems by 
default. Several popular OS X GUI apps, especially by big publishers like 
Microsoft and Adobe, have at times had case errors in their apps, such that if 
you use a case-sensitive filesystem, these apps won't work right. Use of 
case-sensitive filesystems is not recommended on OS X.

There are some esoteric exceptions. For example, before Lion, if you had an 
Xsan filesystem, it was case-sensitive. (With Lion, these are case-insensitive 
by default too.)

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