On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 10:25:33PM +0200, Orlando Helmer wrote:
> ---------------------------
> Subversion Exception!
> ---------------------------
> Subversion encountered a serious problem.
> Please take the time to report this on the Subversion mailing list
> (users@subversion.apache.org)
> with as much information as possible about what
> you were trying to do.
> But please first search the mailing list archives for the error message
> to avoid reporting the same problem repeatedly.
> You can find the mailing list archives at
> http://subversion.apache.org/mailing-lists.html
> Subversion reported the following
> (you can copy the content of this dialog
> to the clipboard using Ctrl-C):
> In file
> 'D:\Development\SVN\Releases\TortoiseSVN-1.7.0\ext\subversion\subversion\l
> ibsvn_wc\entries.c'
> line 1935: assertion failed (svn_checksum_match(entry_md5_checksum,
> found_md5_checksum))

We're sorry, but your 1.6 working copy is corrupt and cannot be
upgraded. You should get a new checkout.

Subversion 1.7.1 will print a nicer error message pointing out the
file which is corrupt.
  • Error Vjekoslav Jug
    • Error Orlando Helmer
      • Re: Error Stefan Sperling
    • Error Потапов Андрей В.

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