On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:40 PM, Mark Utting <ma...@cs.waikato.ac.nz> wrote:
> Summary:
> It seems that the new top-level .svn directory spontaneously disappears
> sometimes?
> Which leaves me with a useless working copy...
> Details:
> I updated my Cygwin installation recently, which (unexpectedly) gave me an
> upgrade to svn 1.7.
> This is on a Windows 7 64-bit Dell Latitude E6520.
> $ svn --version
> svn, version 1.7.0 (r1176462)
>    compiled Oct 11 2011, 10:36:16
> Since svn 1.7 was incompatible with my existing working copy, I did 'svn
> upgrade' in my top-level directory, which contains several projects from
> different SVN repositories.  It removed all the .svn directories in most of
> those subdirectories (all the ones that belonged to my main SVN repository),
> but then failed to create a top-level .svn directory!
> This made my working copy useless.  But I thought maybe this 'bug' happened
> because there were working copies from multiple repositories within that
> directory (which is a convenient way to work, with Eclipse).  So I decided
> to do something simpler to see if I could work around this bug.
> So I did a fresh svn checkout into a new directory, which worked fine.
> (Except that Eclipse could not read the new-style working copy, and gave
> several warnings about this, so I eventually upgraded its subclipse plugin
> as well, to version 1.8.0 using the "JavaHL (JNI) 1.7.0 (r1176462)" client).
> After working normally for that day, the next day I got the same error:
>     svn: warning: W155007: '/cygdrive/c/marku/qut/networkmodel' is not a
> working copy
> Once again, the top-level .svn folder had completely disappeared!  Leaving
> my working copy useless.
> Note that that 'networkmodel' directory was a fresh checkout with svn 1.7,
> so contains only projects from one repository (which is a svn 1.6 repository
> I think).
> I did a full system disk scan for disk errors, no problems reported.
> Has anyone else had problems like this since upgrading to svn 1.7?
> Is it possible that the Eclipse plugin is deleting the top-level .svn
> directory?

It is definitely suspicious.  Generally Subclipse does not directly
touch the .svn folders at all.  It only makes calls to the JavaHL API
which is just a bridge to the normal SVN API provided in the SVN
DLL's.  Cygwin seems to be a relevant wrinkle, but I do not see why
TortoiseSVN would not have problems.  I am not aware of any special
handling for Cygwin that it includes.


Mark Phippard

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