On Oct 21, 2011, at 11:04, Stefan Lock wrote:

> we are using  subversion 1.6.11 (r934486) with FSFS database on CentOS  and i 
> get the following error while using svnadmin dump:
> * Dumped revision 8233.
> svnadmin: File not found: revision 8234, path
> Some times ago, we committed a file with an bad filename. I think we used a 
> blank or other special characters. Afterwards we deleted this file so we 
> created exactly one revision with this bad file.
> Now, we are not able to dump this Repository because we get an "file not 
> found!" error for that revision while dumping.

That sounds like a bug in Subversion... if the file could be committed, then we 
should be able to dump or otherwise deal with it, even if the name is unusual. 
I'd recommend you try the latest version of Subversion 1.6.x and see if the 
problem persists. You could also try 1.7.0 but you may want to wait on 
upgrading important systems to that version due to other issues you can read 
about on the mailing list.

> As I read in the FAQ:
> http:subversion.apache.org/faq.html#removal
> It´s planned to delete  revisions out of a repository but still not 
> implemented and I have to pipe my dumpfile into the svndumpfilter
> So I tried:
> svnadmin dump REPO/ | svndumpfilter exclude revision 8234 > exclude.dump
> but still get 
> svnadmin: File not found: revision 8234, path.....
> As i´m not used to the svndumpfilter I tried different syntax (just 8234, the 
> path ) all with the same failure. Unfortunately the man page is not very 
> helpful.

The failure is in svnadmin dump, so the next svndumpfilter command isn't even 
getting run; it's failing before that.

> After this I tried:
> svnadmin dump REPO/ 0:8233 > inkr.dump
> to append the rest with a incremental dump using  >>.
> But I´m wondering cause get the same failure:
> ....
> * Dumped revision 8233.
> svnadmin: File not found: revision 8234, path '/PATH'
> Does anybody know how to dump a repository excluding exactly one revision or 
> perhaps anybody has an other idea solving this problem.

You got it mostly right:

$ svnadmin help dump | head -n 1
dump: usage: svnadmin dump REPOS_PATH [-r LOWER[:UPPER] [--incremental]]

You just forgot the "-r" switch before your revision range.

svnadmin dump REPO -r 0:8233 > REPO.dump
svnadmin dump REPO -r 8234:HEAD --incremental >> REPO.dump

If you don't plan to filter the dump, you can save quite a lot of space by 
using deltas:

svnadmin dump REPO -r 0:8233 --deltas > REPO.dump
svnadmin dump REPO -r 8234:HEAD --deltas --incremental >> REPO.dump

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