I switched over the weekend to 1.7.1 and read release documentation.
What I was looking was not there. Perhaps future release? What I was looking 
for is a "folder shadow" future found in pvsc (I used it a while back so not 
sure if it is it or some other tool)

I have huge project that various project depend on each other (exe and Libs on 
other Libs etc. Around 90 projects)
This is all setup so I can build on Windows, Mac, Solaris and Linux.

Right now I have on top level

    - 3rdPartyLib
         |- Library1
         |- Library2
         |- Library3
    - Library
         |- Library1
         |- Library2
         |- Library3
    |- Servers
         |- Server1
         |- Server2
        |- Br1
        |- Rel 1
           |- …...
        |- Rel 2
            |- 3rdPartyLib
            |   |
            |   |- Library1
            |   |- Library2
            |   |- Library3
            |- Library
            |    |
            |    |- Library1
            |    |- Library2
            |    |- Library3
            |- Servers
                 |- Server1
                 |- Server2

to create branch I have to branch everything since all projects have relative 
path setup so going from current to ./branch is not possible.
What I would love to see is a "shadow" specific folder with branch. This way I 
could have only ./current. I think pvsc had a profile file that needed to be 
setup from top bottom order and folders were shadowed with appropriate branch , 
current or whatever.

Do you think this would be possible in the future? Is something like that on 
svn roadmap?

With current scenario do you have suggestions about better setup/arrangement?

Thank you

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