 more specific questions 

My pleasure, dear
Geoff,   Here you have some
very Specific Questions.

SQ1]  How to get what I
presume is a nice Subversion prompt:  

   on one of my
standard Windows machines, so to test the wonderful Subversion
commands so eloquently described by the mentioned self-declared
Official Guide and Reference Manual, so practically useless at the
very beginning of a learning process; that is, exactly when you need
most practical and effective information and support?

SQ2]  Why should I go
scrabbling and begging via Google for practical, operative info, I'd
reasonably expected to find right away at page 1 on the mentioned
book, or at the page 1 on the Subversion web site?

SQ3]  Am I the first
Subversion potential user starting from scratch? 
   Everybody else
knowing how to set-up a Subversion environment even before beginning
to use it?

Of course thank you for
pointing me to the right direction. Of course. 

All the best. Yours, - P.M.

 Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2011 11:20:54 -0700
Subject: Re: First Hands-on Subversion—Where/How?
From: ghoff...@cardinalpath.com
To: studio...@hotmail.com
CC: users@subversion.apache.org

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 11:00 AM, Pietro Moras <studio...@hotmail.com> wrote:

 Dear Subversion

intentioned to explore what Subversion is all about, armed with good
will and a good reference book (“Version Control with Subversion”,
by Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick, C.
Michael Pilato),
I got immediately lost & stuck at the very first command:  

svn help

?]  That said, where/how on earth
could I get such Subversion grass-roots commands working?    Is there any
practical way, any practical tool, any practical good soul/good
organisation where to find a test client-server setup where to
(seriously) “play” with Subversion VCS? I'd be happy to begin
even with a tiny a client-server set-up onto a machine of mine, would
such a tool available; even no idea whether such a naïve idea of
mine is feasible or not.

Gratefully yours,


dr. Pietro Moras

Greetings Pietro,
Start here http://svnbook.red-bean.com/
Then I would recommend a Google search like  install subversion 
{platform_or_distro_you_use}  -- for example here's a good quick overview at 
Ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion

Remember, `Subversion` is both a client software and a server software, so it 
doesn't do you much good to learn `svn ___` (client) unless you have already 
used svnadmin to create a repository... (server). You can do this all locally, 
or on a VM (I would recommend go this route, eg virtualbox, if you're on 

Post back here with more specific questions as you go.                          

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