On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 12:07 PM, Pietro Moras <studio...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> In need of breaking the initial ice with Subversion, I wonder if you have
> any real knowledge of a Test Subversion Repository/Server where to start
> understanding, hands-on, what it's all about.
> Anyhow, these are the related generic—and, so far, untested—hints I've
> already collected:
> -- Redbean book
> -- CollabNet
> -- Subversion Edge
> -- Trial Subversion server at: SpringLoops.com, Beanstalkapp.com
> -- GUI client TortoiseSVN
> That said in case you know any better.

Pretty much everything you can do with subversion will work with a
local repository and file:/// references.   Do your initial
testing/learning  that way, then decide what OS platform you want for
your server.  I'd recommend a linux distribution where it would be
included in the standard system and updates, but that's a matter of
preference. You should not see any differences from the client side
regardless of the server platform.

   Les Mikesell

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