On Nov 1, 2011, at 07:25, Nrupen Kantamneni wrote:

> I would like to be able to at least check in,checkout files  via web.

There isn't really such a thing as "check out" in Subversion. "Check out" 
really just means "get". And you can "get" (i.e. look at or download) any files 
you want via the web interface.

"Check in", what we usually call "commit", isn't something I'm aware of any web 
interface letting you do. That doesn't mean nobody's made it, I'm just not 
aware of anyone having made it yet. You could make such an interface yourself 
if you really wanted to and were good with web programming. But I'm not clear 
on the use case.

What kinds of files would you want to be able to change via a web interface? 
People often use Subversion to develop the source code of an application or of 
a web site, and such files typically do not stand alone; they're part of a 
whole, and need to be tested as a whole. That's why the usual workflow is that 
you check out a working copy of the whole project to your computer; make 
changes to files in the working copy, often to several different files in order 
to implement a single conceptual change; test that change by building the 
program and running it locally on your computer, or by accessing the web site 
running on your local web server; and finally, when everything is correct, 
commit the change to the repository.

If this does not describe your desired workflow, how does yours differ?

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