On 11/10/2011 12:05 AM, Richard Boyce wrote:
This may be a stupid question, but I'm using svn (via TortoiseSVN and client 1.16.16) to a file-based repo (i.e. no subversion server). When I try to re-integrate a branch, I get "Retrieval of merginfo unsupported".

Searches for this say I need to upgrade the repo with "svnadmin --upgrade" - but svnadmin is part of svnserver, which I don't use. Do I have to install svnserve (or just svnadmin) to do this (then uninstall svnserve if I don't want to continue with it?)

svnadmin is a command-line executable. I don't know how TortoiseSVN is packaged, but you do not have to go through svnserve to use svnadmin. You can either install svnadmin.exe by itself (if possible) or install the svnserve package, then use only svnadmin.exe. Not knowing which DLLs are needed to run svnadmin.exe, I can't tell you how much to delete afterwards, but I would expect that you can leave everything in place. If TortoiseSVN insists on going through svnserve.exe, you should be able to delete just that.

It may be better to ask this question on the TortoiseSVN list.

    David Chapman         dcchap...@acm.org
    Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA

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