Hi Jens,

did you get this resolved somehow already?


On 10 November 2011 17:09, Jens Geyer <j...@vsx.net> wrote:

> Hi *,
> I have an really interesting case here, which looks to me like an bug.
> The behavior started after the upgrade of our SVN server from 1.6.16 to
> 1.7.1.
> We use a  windows server (SVNSERVE) here, I haven't tested this on
> Apache.
> The scenario:
> We have a source code tree, which lives let's say under
>        /trunk/testApp
> In the SVN root, we have some more folders, such as
>        /branches
> We also have a build server, who checks the source out into his local
> WC.
> After the successful build, the build server sets an tag under
>        /tags/buildserver/testApp
> Which he does by means of svn copy (I can provide the exact command, if
> neceassary).
> This works, if I configure the access control file like this:
>        [/tags]
>        Buildserver = rw
>        * = r
>        [/trunk]
>        Buildserver = rw
>        * = r
>         [/]
>        Buildserver = rw
>        * = r
> It does no longer work (the svn copy command fails with "access denied")
> when I add /branches to the access configuration:
>        [/tags]
>        Buildserver = rw
>        * = r
>        [/trunk]
>        Buildserver = rw
>        * = r
>        [/branches]
>        * = r
>         [/]
>        Buildserver = rw
>        * = r
> It starts to work  again, if I give the buildserver explicit write
> access to [/branches].
> ==> Please note, that /branches is not affected by the copy, neither as
> source, nor as the target.
> ==> This looks like a clear bug to me.
> Again, I were not able to found any documentation about such changes in
> the access control logic.
> Is there some documentation around about these new "features" of svn
> 1.7?
> JensG

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