FTR: I double check stuff before posting to any mailing list.


Repo .tar.gz attached.
/X/Y created
/A/B created also

This does not work:

svn cp svn:// ^/A/B/C -m Test
Authentication realm: <svn://> Test repo
Password for 'testuser1':
svn: E220004: Access denied

testuser1 = rw

testuser1 = r

Server is 64bit Slackware Linux, svn 1.7.1 is compiled from scratch
with ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/svn-1.7.1-1 \
  --with-apr=/usr/local/apr --with-apr-util=/usr/local/apr \
  --with-sqlite=/usr/local \

With 1.6.x this problem was not present. Can you try this repo on your
windows machine and see if it created /A/B/C directory?


On 14 November 2011 14:59, Philip Martin <> wrote:

> Bostjan Skufca <> writes:
> > Authz is correct, I just changed pm to testuser1 because user already
> > existed and because it is bad to use auth credentials which have been
> sent
> > to mailing list on a public server:)
> But it makes it harder for us to work out whether you are doing things
> correctly.  I installed Subversion 1.7.1 on my Windows box and the setup
> I showed works properly.  I expect you have made a mistake with a
> username or path, but since you made arbitrary changes it's hard to say.
> Perhaps you could zip up a test repository that shows the problem and
> make it available?
> --
> Philip

Attachment: svn.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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