> -----Original Message-----
> From: j s [mailto:jbluede...@yahoo.com] 
> Sent: 15 November 2011 13:29
> To: users@subversion.apache.org
> Subject: user access
> Have svn running on windows/apache and currently dev team 
> accesses svn repo's using http and tortoisesvn
> They access the repos using their domain credentials set up 
> in apache config.
> we now have a group of temps that we want to create a new 
> repo for and that they should only access that repo either by 
> using uname/pwd or via domain access. 
> current set up
> [server name]\c:\svnrepo
>  \product1 ---->[dev accesses this using domain\uname&pwd]
>  \product2 ---->[dev accesses this using domain\uname&pwd]
>  \product3 ---->[dev accesses this using domain\uname&pwd]
>  \temprepo ---->[dev accesses this using domain\uname&pwd || 
> the temp lackies access it using their uname and pwd only for 
> this repo]
> Is this set up possible? how would i go about it?
> am open to changing access type based on best practise 
Take a read of the subversion book here:-


~ mark c

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