On Nov 28, 2011, at 10:11 , jes Struck wrote:

> Hej 
> I started to investigate the branching strategies of subversion. to compare 
> with Git, Mercurial and ClearCase.
> These three tools have an opportunity to branch out in a developer branch 
> from which to deliver the trunk several times, so that such branches may be 
> seen as developers industry instead of features industry. In Subversion, it 
> seems that the second time you try to deliver the subversion dispose of any 
> changes you've ever made any page on this branch

By "deliver", I presume you mean a reintegrate-merge, like

  svn merge --reintegrate ^/branches/mydevbranch

> So that second time i deliver it tries to deliver changes from Both Changeset 
> A and B
> i would rather have it only took Changeset B?
> is this me that does not now how the correct way is to due it?

You can "revive" your branch (via the "svn merge --record-only" command) 
after the first reintegration is committed to trunk (or wherever you copied
your developer branch from).  This is described in the SVN Book at


Tip:  Your diagram shows only merges _from_ the developer branch.  To 
minimize merge conflicts, merge _to_ your developer branch early and often.



Stephen Butler | Senior Consultant
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