Can anyone comment on the state of unreferenced items not being deleted
in the pristine area in 1.7? The release notes state there are plans to
purge unreferenced items automatically, but the issue link appears to
be a placeholder (excerpt from 1.7 release notes) :

Note: In 1.7, we recommend to run svn cleanup periodically in order to
claim back the disk space of unreferenced pristines. We expect a
future Subversion release to purge unreferenced (and thus unused)
pristines automatically; see issue #XXX for details.

Having it happen automatically instead of needing to regularly run
"svn cleanup" is definitely preferable. I've never had to run it in
the past except in the event of a problem. (e.g. a command did not
complete properly, or something else got borked)

Is there an issue tracking this that I can follow? I did a quick search
but didn't find one.


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