We recently set up a new SVN 1.7.1 server, using CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.1.
 We seemed to be able to connect to it properly using TortoiseSVN 1.6 clients,
and version 1.7 clients (both TortoiseSVN and Cygwin command-line) were able to
use any command which did not try to update the repository.  However, trying to
do a simple commit failed with the following error message:

Server sent unexpected return value (400 Bad Request) in response to POST
request for '/svn/<reposname>/!svn/me'

In the access.log file on the server was the following line: - <username> [01/Dec/2011:15:14:38 -0700] "POST
/svn/<reposname>/!svn/me HTTP/1.1" 400 226

which wasn't very helpful.  I turned up Apache logging on the server to
"LogLevel debug" and got a lot of information, but nothing that seemed too
helpful either.

We are using https: to access to repository.  It does give a warning because I
am using the default "svnedge.collab.net" server certificate, but I asked it to
accept it permanently the first time.  Among the debug information it gives is
"SSL negotation finished successfully", too.

Based on a post from last week, I tried adding

SVNAdvertiseV2Protocol off

to my httpd.conf under <Location />, but it didn't seem to help.

Let me know what other information I can provide to try to resolve this.

Aaron V. Humphrey
Web Developer

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