While backing up our repository and preparing to update to subversion 1.7.x
I found some files inside the folder
"c:\svn_repository\{repository_name}\db" which made me wonder whether we
have a problem with our repository:

- In "db\transactions" I see a folder named "9279-7lb.txn" containing
  various files (changes, next-ids, several node.xxxxx files, props).
- Also in folder db\txn-protorevs there are two files named
  "9279-7lb.rev" and "9279-7lb.rev-lock".
- After looking at the "changes" and "props" files, and searching in
  the repository, it seems that this change was successfully
  commited to the repository as revision number 9280.
- There was no other commit at or around the same time.

- Also in "db\locks" I found 639 directories, but currently there are
  only 17 locks in the repository.
- Some of these directories are very old, so are probably from locks
  which were released a long time ago.

-> is it expected that such transaction and locks files and folders remain
in the db folder or is this an indication that there is a problem?

I'm using subversion 1.6.16 (svnserve.exe) on a windows server.
Running "svnadmin verify" did not report any problems.
On the client we are using TortoiseSVN, based on SVN 1.6.16.

Thanks for your help.


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