On Thu, Dec 08, 2011 at 07:20:44AM +0000, Cooke, Mark wrote:
> > Do I have to have my working folder and svn folder have the same name?
> Did you read the [free!] link that I gave you yesterday?
> [1] http://tortoisesvn.net/docs/nightly/TortoiseSVN_en/index.html
> [2] http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/index.html

James, please read these links if you already haven't done so.
Especially the first 2 chapters of the svnbook.

A lot of time and effort has been put into writing these texts.
They generally provide much more comprehensive and better answers
to basic questions than this list can.

It's fine to ask questions here if you don't understand something
in the documentation, or if the documentation doesn't cover your
question, or if you simply fail to locate the answer in the text (that
happens to many, it's no big deal).
But asking without consulting the documentation first amounts to asking
people here to repeat work which others have already put into the docs.
And generally the answers provided here will be terse and of lower didactic
quality than a properly written text book.
So while quickly mailing a question to the list and waiting for an answer
might seem like quicker turnaround than reading through a book it is
actually counter-productive for both your own learning experience as
well as for those who explain things on this list again even though the
documentation already covers the material.

I hope you understand this, and I hope you have fun learning and using
Subversion! Feel free to keep asking if you don't understand something.
But when doing so please try to point out where the docs are failing you
so that we can improve them for the benefit of the entire user base. Thanks!

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