Am 15.12.2011 06:03, schrieb David Fahlander:
Got problems after an upgrade.

1) Upgraded one sub path to 1.7
2) Upgraded sub path by sub path to 1.7
3) Failed to upgrade one of the sub paths, claiming that my localhost SVN
server disconnected the socket. This happened over and over so I decided to
make a Cleanup.

Just so I get you right, you had the following setup:


There is one big change between 1.6 and 1.7, namely that for 1.7 a subfolder of a working copy is not an independent working copy itself. So, if you upgraded sub1 above, you would permanently detach this WC from its parent WC. If you now tried to upgrade the WC-root dir, it would find that sub1 is already an upgraded working copy on its own. I don't know how it handles this case.

Firstly, you probably avoid doing that. Secondly, SVN should arguably warn if you do that. It can't and shouldn't create an error, because there are valid reasons to actually split one big WC into several smaller ones on upgrade.

To resolve the situation, the first thing is to make up your mind how you want your working copies organized. Then, if you don't have too many pending changes and if you have a consistent state otherwise, I'd just check out a new working copy and copy things over manually. The easiest way is not to copy the versioned data, but to copy the .svn folder. You then delete all .svn folders in your current WC and copy the single .svn folder from the new WC. Then, I'd try to update and then also to run a diff, to find out which local changes are not yet checked in and if that matches your expectations.

Note: I am using SVN server on my local machine. I also have a backup
service supervising and constantly backing up my Repositories directory as
well as my working directories... if it could be that the backup tool was
trying to read at the same time the SVN operation took place. Dont know.

Virus scanners are known to cause faulty behaviour in other applications, this backup tool could cause the same by holding locks on files while SVN is trying to move them around.

Other special thing is that the root directory of my repository is my
Visual Studio 2008\Projects folder and it contains lots of subdirs but only
a few of them are included in the SVN repo.

Your terminology is a bit confusing here. Do you mean the "Visual Studio 2008" folder in your "own files" or "personal files" ("Eigene Dateien" in German)? So that one is just a folder, and SVN doesn't care if you put working copies along non-working-copy folders inside.

In file
  line 1652: assertion failed (parent_node || entry->schedule ==

You are using 1.7.0 while two further bugfix versions have been released, especially for problems while upgrading working copies. Upgrade!

Good luck!

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