On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 01:43, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> Mojca Miklavec wrote on Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 16:56:05 +0100:
>> May I ask for any hints of what could go wrong and how I could debug
>> the problem? I have seen various threads after searching with google,
>> but none of those that I checked provided any useful insight. (I work
>> with SVN a lot, but have never experienced a problem like this one.)
> The use of POST request is new in 1.7 (client+server must be 1.7 for
> this).

They are.

> Can you capture the XML response on the wire and share it here?  (with
> wireshark, or neon-debug-mask)  If it contains sensitive stuff feel free
> to share it by private mail.

Maybe Philip Martin's mail already answers this question. I first need
to figure out how to use wireshark. Is there any chapter in SVN
documentation explaining how to troubleshoot problems with subversion
on a network level? And if not - would it be feasible to prepare one?


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