Ryan Schmidt <subversion-20...@ryandesign.com> writes:

> On Jan 4, 2012, at 07:12, Alexandru Ioan Cucu wrote:
>> I've been browsing through the 1.4.6 subversion sources and noticed
>> that this error message is given when apr_dbm_open or apr_dbm_fetch
>> fail for any reason (look in mod_dav_svn/activity.c --> const char
>> *dav_svn_get_txn) so I would assume this is caused by concurrency
>> issues in Berkley DB or in APR... (though this is just an
>> assumption...)
> Also, if you are indeed using a BerkeleyDB-based repository, I'd
> suggest a dump/load cycle to get onto an FSFS-based repository so you
> can avoid all the BDB-specific problems. FSFS has been the default
> repository type since Subversion 1.2 IIRC.

In 1.5 Subversion stopped using the apr_dbm API for the activities
database and uses a simple MD5 filename system instead, and the v2
protocol in 1.7 usually bypasses the activities database altogether.


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