Le mardi 10 janvier 2012 13:55:52, dcz a écrit :

I already posted this on the tortoise ML (http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4061&dsMessageId=2906737) and the only answer I got was that this should be reported here. I've been reading you all since a while now, and actually registered on the tortoise ML to post this bug report, so I am aware that this may be (and as far as I can tell really looks like) a pure tortoise bug, but just in case this rings a bell here, I take the risk.

Also, since this may be usefull, the SVN server is 1.7.2 using TortoiseSVN 1.7.3, Build 22386 - 64 Bit.

Here the original message :

I was comparing a tag with trunk, this worked when I asked for the
entire diff (~10mo), but got this when I only selected a subset of the
files (I just selected all files listed in revision comparison and
dropped two directories with their content in the list).

Surprisingly, the diff continued to build after I clicked Ok on the
error message, the exact same error poped up 6 more times, and the
operation continued after I clicked ok again.
It resulted in a ~3Mo diff file, which looks incomplete (the last
working one was bigger).
And even more surprising, I just do not have any D:\Development\
directory on my local win7x64, and the remote SVN is installed on free
bsd so I really doubt that this path could come from there.

Subversion Exception!
Subversion encountered a serious problem.
Please take the time to report this on the Subversion mailing list
with as much information as possible about what
you were trying to do.
But please first search the mailing list archives for the error message
to avoid reporting the same problem repeatedly.
You can find the mailing list archives at

Subversion reported the following
(you can copy the content of this dialog
to the clipboard using Ctrl-C):

In file
line 1651: assertion failed (*target1&& *target2)

Update :
Tortoise participant seems pretty convinced that this is an svn bug (check the link in my previous mail).

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