Garret Wilson wrote on Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 18:33:32 -0800:
> Because Subversion over WebDAV (and Subversion in general) doesn't
> support namespace URIs in property names (see P.S.), I've created a
> system in which I encode URIs in property names. For example, here
> is one such property name:
>    http·3a·2f··2fdc·2felements·2f1.1·2ftitle

 * Return @c TRUE iff @a prop_name is a valid property name.
 * For now, "valid" means the ASCII subset of an XML "Name".
 * XML "Name" is defined at
 * @since New in 1.5.
svn_prop_name_is_valid(const char *prop_name);

Use MIME Quoted-Printable?

> P.S. Note that the reason I had to encode the properties to begin
> with is because Subversion over WebDAV wasn't honoring the namespace
> I requested. I brought this up several times years ago, but no one
> replied. :( See e.g.
> . Now Subversion
> is yet again fighting me, and I don't know why...

If you have questions about WebDAV details of libsvn_ra's
implementation, feel free to raise them on dev@.

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