On Jan 17, 2012, at 10:33, Andrew wrote:

> So I've got a pair of projects, we'll call them /tools and /libs.
> Under each I'm using ./tags/v1.0 ./tags/v2.0 as well as an
> svn:externals of ./tags/latest which points to the most recent tagged
> version.  This all works fine.  What I'd like to do and seem to be
> unable is to use svn:externals to point from /tools/tags/v2.0/libs to
> /libs/tags/latest, as that directory only exists as a property of it's
> parent.  I'd like to use this so that I don't have to worry about
> updating the libs path for my tools every time I release a new
> version.
> Does anyone have any ideas on how I might be able to accomplish this
> or a more effective way of managing this code?

My advice is don't. Instead, continue doing what you've presumably been doing: 
update the external to the specific version that your code works with. How can 
you guarantee today that you won't next month modify the library in a way that 
is not backwards-compatible?

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