Hello all,

I haven't subscribed to this mailing list. But I have a problem
and need your helps.

I installed Subversion 1.6.15 on a rented server. The installation
seemed successful.

I'm not sure what machine they use, but have some information.
The server running FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p16i386.
CPU is Intel Xeon CPU E3110@3GHz.
Memory is 3.25GB.
Apache version 1.3.42.

When I tried to confirm if the installation was well done using
"svn info svn+ssh://sectio...@section-9.sakura.ne.jp/home/section-9/svn/reps",
the server said
"( failure ( ( 2 86:Error in child process: posix_spawn of 'usr/bin/ssh'
 failed: No such file or directory 
 457 ) ) ) svn: Can't create 
tunnel: No such file or directory".

I double-checked the username and location of the repository, but no mistakes
were found.

So what's the problem and how can I solve this?

Please reply me at tachi.sil...@gmail.com as I haven't subscribed this mailing

Please help me.

Kindest regards,

Manager / Photographer / Lecturer / Writer
Masaru Kitajima


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