
Thank you.

Finally, I found that it was my local config file error. One of my
friends told me that there is a Macintosh HD/Users/username/.subversion/config

The .subversion directory start with "." so I couldn't find it from Finder.
using terminal and checked [tunnels] section. And there found 
ssh = $SVN_SSH usr/bin/ssh line. I corrected it to ssh = $SVN_SSH /usr/bin/ssh
and tried svn info. Then it works correctly.

Thank you for your help guys.

Last thing to do is to configure Dreamweaver.

Thanks again.

Kindest regards,

On 2012/02/09, at 22:22, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> Running almost any 'svn' command will suffice.  You can even run 'svn
> info' (no arguments) outside of a working copy and it will still
> read or create the configuration files.
> Masaru Kitajima wrote on Thu, Feb 09, 2012 at 10:11:50 +0900:
>> Daniel,
>> In Mac OS X, we should use dtrace command. Its command is like
>> "sudo dtrace -n "syscall::open:entry, syscall::stat:entry, 
>> syscall::stat64:entry / execname == \"svn\" / {trace( copyinstr(arg0))}" > 
>> dtrace.txt".
>> I tried this and then tried
>> "svn info 
>> svn+ssh://sectio...@section-9.sakura.ne.jp/home/section-9/svn/reps".
>> Then, I don't know why, dtrace stopped automatically and nothing is recorded
>> in dtrace.txt.
>> Do you have any solutions?
>> Kindest regards,
>> Masaru
>> On 2012/02/09, at 9:49, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
>>> Run svn under a syscall tracer (such as strace, truss, or local
>>> equivalent), and  you'll see an open(2) call for the config file.  (Ryan
>>> or someone else may be able to tell you what 'local equivalent' is.)
>>> I believe you already looked for $SVN_SSH in your environment upthread
>>> (and found that it was, properly, undefined).
>>> (Technically, it's also possible that 'svn' is a shell alias, or shell
>>> function, or wrapper script, that changes the environment before running
>>> the 'svn' binary.  This isn't very likely, but you may want to rule it
>>> out nonetheless.)
>>> Good luck,
>>> Daniel
>>> Masaru Kitajima wrote on Thu, Feb 09, 2012 at 09:29:27 +0900:
>>>> Daniel,
>>>> Thanks for your kind help.
>>>> When I typed a command you suggested, server said
>>>> "( success ( 2 2 ( ) ( edit-pipeline svndiff1 absent-entries 
>>>> commit-revprops depth log-revprops partial-replay ) ) ) ".
>>>> And it's same as without -q option.
>>>> So, the ball is in my court.
>>>> I'm not sure where my ssh tunnel defined with Mac OS X 10.7.
>>>> Do you have any idea?
>>>> Kindest regards,
>>>> Masaru
>>>> On 2012/02/09, at 9:11, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
>>>>> Masaru,
>>>>> Does 'ssh -q sectio...@section-9.sakura.ne.jp svnserve -t' print the
>>>>> server greeting (like it does without -q)?
>>>>> 1. If it does not print a greeting, you'll have to define:
>>>>>  [tunnels]
>>>>>  ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh
>>>>> (without anything else on the second line) in your system-wide or
>>>>> per-user configuration file.  (on Unixy systems: /etc/subversion/config
>>>>> (if not changed by the OS packager) or ~/.subversion/config)
>>>>> 2. If it does print a greeting, then the ball is in your court.
>>>>> You'll have to follow the instructions we've already provided (about
>>>>> looking for the 'ssh' tunnel defined wrongly in your environment or in
>>>>> your config files).  If those aren't clear, do not hesitate to ask for
>>>>> clarification.
>>>>> Good luck,
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>> Masaru Kitajima wrote on Thu, Feb 09, 2012 at 08:27:53 +0900:
>>>>>> Rian,
>>>>>> I see. I'm happy to hear that it's not a bug and it's expected behavior.
>>>>>> Still I can't connect to Subversion using svn+ssh protocol. And my team
>>>>>> is worrying about it to manage their source files.
>>>>>> Hope to solve this problem soon...
>>>>>> Kindest regards,
>>>>>> Masaru
>>>>>> On 2012/02/09, at 8:23, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>>> On Feb 8, 2012, at 15:41, Alagazam.net Subversion wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Feb 7, 2012, at 15:44, Masaru Kitajima wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 2012/02/08, at 6:36, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> What is the output of
>>>>>>>>>> % ssh sectio...@section-9.sakura.ne.jp svnserve -t
>>>>>>>>> It is as below:
>>>>>>>>> ( success ( 2 2 ( ) ( edit-pipeline svndiff1 absent-entries 
>>>>>>>>> commit-revprops depth log-revprops partial-replay ) ) ) 
>>>>>>>>> and then stops. A prompt is not shown.
>>>>>>>> This symptom of not getting any prompt back reminds me of a totally
>>>>>>>> non-svn related "bug" but a network error I encountered some time ago.
>>>>>>> Not seeing a prompt in this case is not a bug; it's expected behavior. 
>>>>>>> svnserve is not an interactive program that has a prompt. It's a 
>>>>>>> Subversion server; the above test demonstrated that svnserve is running 
>>>>>>> correctly and is waiting for a Subversion client to connect to it.
>>>>>> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
>>>>>> Manager / Photographer / Lecturer / Writer
>>>>>> Masaru Kitajima
>>>>>> E-mail:tachi.sil...@gmail.com
>>>>>> blog:http://www.section-9.jp/blog/bluez/
>>>>>> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
>>>> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
>>>> Manager / Photographer / Lecturer / Writer
>>>> Masaru Kitajima
>>>> E-mail:tachi.sil...@gmail.com
>>>> blog:http://www.section-9.jp/blog/bluez/
>>>> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
>> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
>> Manager / Photographer / Lecturer / Writer
>> Masaru Kitajima
>> E-mail:tachi.sil...@gmail.com
>> blog:http://www.section-9.jp/blog/bluez/
>> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

Manager / Photographer / Lecturer / Writer
Masaru Kitajima



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