On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 6:22 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia <nka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 7:42 PM, Daniel Shahaf <danie...@elego.de> wrote:
>> Daniel Shahaf wrote on Thu, Feb 09, 2012 at 01:46:45 +0200:
>>> Jason Wong wrote on Wed, Feb 08, 2012 at 15:32:05 -0800:
>>> Get xxd.exe from http://www.vim.org/ and cat.exe and sed.exe from
>>> http://gnuwin32.sf.net (or from Cygwin).  Delete from the script the
>>> line that uses the 'head' command.
>> There is a second use of 'head', which you shouldn't delete.  So
>> instead, just get head.exe from the same place as the other two, or use
>> the following kind of statement:
> Or install CygWin and run the scripts from inside CygWin. This does
> present end-of-line issues, so be very careful about using "svn:eol
> native" properties.
>>    my $line = do {
>>        open FOO, "perl -V 2>&1 |";
>>        <FOO>;
>>    };
>> Lastly, there's a 'sed' invocation that uses single-quoted arguments.
>> All it does is "print the input up to the first empty line" --- feel
>> free to implement it differently.  (One way:
>>    my @lines = split /\n/, `command | goes | here`;
>>    $_ and print or last for @lines;
>> Both of these examples could do with some error checking.)
>> Daniel
>> (yes, there's also a neater way to do this without split(). but it's
>> not a Perl class here)


Sorry for the delay. Here is an update of what I have done since
the last time I posted.

I have run "svn log -q ^/" on the respository and it came back with
no missing revisions.

Since I first posted, each of the projects we have tried to build
that had failed have since successfully been built without any changes
on our side.

I was having an issue with converting the script to run in windows as
I was only getting the first line returned so I set up cygwin.

I ran the script against both of the revisions (61815 and 61852) in
mentioned in the Apache error log and the output was the same for

   dump-noderev.pl /repository
/project/binaries/release/phase1/iteration/81/trunk 61815
   dump-noderev.pl /repository
/project/binaries/release/phase1/iteration/81/trunk 61852

   id: 9-45362.0-61242.r61424/0
   type: dir
   pred: 9-45362.0-60310/0
   count: 43
   text: 58741 121716266 218 218 74eb31e90880ba1345fc49252ca6efe6
   cpath: /project/binaries/release/phase1/iteration/81/trunk
   copyfrom: 61423 /project/binaries/release/phase1/iteration/80/trunk

Is this information helpful? Let me know if this tells you anything. Thanks


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